Footloose - July 18 - July 28, 2024

Not So Common Players

 End Notes 

A Note from the Chairperson....



Good Evening, 


On behalf of the Not So Common Players Board of Directors I want to welcome you to this production of Footloose. We are incredibly proud of the hard worker actors, musicians, stage crew, and production staff for this fun and timeless show.


Many thanks to the Town of Clifton Park, Town Supervisor Phil Barrett and the Town Board for their many years of continues support for Not So Common Players. 


You may have heard NSCP is searching for a new home.  We were blessed for many years to have space graciously donated by Bob Miller and Windsor Development. While our previous space has been leased we are in desparate need of a new homebase for auditions, rehearsals, and meetings, as well as a place to home our sound and lighting equipment and our extensive costume collection. As you can imagine, having to rent storgae space has been costly for Not So Common Players. Please reach out to us if you have or know of an available space or are able to help. You can also help by donating to our bucket brigade or by becoming a sponsor and filling out one of our sponsorship envelopes.


We thank you for coming to this performance of Footlosse and look forward to seeing you in the fall for our production of The Musical of Musicals


With many thanks,  


David Rossi



Not So Common Players Board

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