Into The Woods JR. - March 10 - March 12, 2022

Northwest Academy

 Crew Who's Who 

  • Anna Marks head shot

    Anna Marks

    Stage Manager

    Anna Marks is in 8th grade at Northwest Academy. This is her first year working as the stage manager for one of her school's productions. In addition to stage managing she also enjoys writing and solving puzzles. Anna is also very fond of gardening and tending to her houseplants. She is the daughter of Erika and Thomas Marks.

  • Veronica Derner head shot

    Veronica Derner

    Costumes, Hair and Makeup

    Veronica is a junior at Northwest Academy, and this is her first time as the leading costume designer for a production. She is planning to have a career in costume design, and will be attending UCLA's summer costume program. She enjoys sewing, art, and giving her kitty Esme way too much attention.

  • Carlo Hamacher head shot

    Carlo Hamacher

    Lighting Operator

    Carlo is a sophomore at Northwest Academy. Into the Woods is Carlo's first production serving as lighting operator. He has helped constuct several sets as part of tech theater classes starting in middle school. 

  • MS and HS Technical Theatre

    Technical Theatre explores the design aspects that go into theatrical productions, including sound, lights, sets, properties, costumes, and make-up. Students also learn the roles of the various production teams including Stage Management, Light Board Operator, Sound Board Operator, Props Master, Set Dresser, etc. This class is responsible for the production aspects of all Blue Box Theater stage shows, including what you see on stage today.


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