Xanadu has been a terrific and fun show to produce and direct this year. The students have had a really good time singing some tunes we all grew up with in the early 80's. They remind me of some boring road trips in my Dad's '55 chevrolet... good times...
Our theme for this show is a line Sonny says in the first act: "Just because something is impossible doesn't mean I won't try, Just means it might take a while." When things seem hard or impossible, we keep on trying! This musical is cheesy, simple, and fun. my hope is that you will just sit back, relax, and enjoy yourself for a couple hours. As we have said daily in our cast cheer: "XANA DO IT!!"
-Special thanks to all our amazing parent volunteers who should all be named here but we don't want to leave anyone out! Without them I would be NOWHERE! They are the muscle of this show!
-Thanks to my beautiful and talented students past and present. They are the heart of this show!
-Thanks to my wonderful team-teacher and michief-Maker, Jemay Marden who just had her baby and has still been slaving away to make the music fabulous- She is the brains of this show!
-Thanks to our fantastic NHS administration! They are ALWAYS a great support and wonderfully positive when I need it. The are the backbone of this show.
-Thank you to Vince, Alex, Autumn, and Jacob Coates. You four are my inspiration. Sorry I am never home. I will cook dinner next week, I may even do some laundry, but don't hold your breath! (I'll probably be singing all the songs from Xanadu whilst I do these tasks, I now pre-apologize for that.)
--Jana Coates