Aaron Sadowski
as Bilbo Baggins
*Bilbo Baggins (Blue)
Aaron Sadowski is a senior at Northern, where he’s been active in theater for the past four years. Being a part of eleven productions during his theater career, he’s enjoyed playing any and every role both on and off stage. Aaron is the proud Vice President of Thespian Troupe 4762, a New Jersey State Thespian Officer, and an NJDFL Senior Captain. To have the true honor of playing the role of Bilbo Baggins is something Aaron never would’ve even dreamed of. While you watch, try to remember that much like Mr. Baggins, you can do things you never thought possible.
Chase Creegan
Bilbo Baggins
*Bilbo Baggins (Grey)
Chase is a senior and so excited to perform his final show! These years have been a roller coaster and he is so happy to have had his friends in this department to do it with! Thank you for watching and enjoying the show!
Matthew Sprague
as Gandalf
*Gandalf (Blue)
Matthew is a senior this year. He is a Boy Scout, Thespian, NJDFL, and NHS member. He previously played Doc Gibbs in Our Town and King Theseus in A Midsummer Night’s Dream. He hopes you all enjoy the show and adventure! He is currently challenging the other Gandalf to a wizard duel.
Parker Dennis
*Gandalf (Grey)
Parker Dennis is in his senior year and hopes you enjoy the show. He will also be challenging the other Gandalf to a wizard duel.