Many thanks to all of the family members and friends who've given their support to help make this production possible. Special thanks to our volunteers for contributing generously with their time:
Lisa Harde Barbara Davis Jeff Davis
Doris Freedman Arleen Henshaw Elena Gasparri
Denise Lenchner Kerry Feeney Maureen Herbstritt
Hilary Perretine Lisa Padolf David Wohl
Laurie Mechanic-Goodman Tom Ruggi Katherine Liddy
Aoife Quinn Kira Gorbutt Livia O'Brien
Steven Waldinger John Finnegan Diane Finnegan
Suzan Waldinger Hilary Fox-Mills Sally Jones Corsaro
Nereida Vazquez Beth Sullivan Katherine Daniels
Sue Aruilio Carolyn Loftus Kevin Loftus
Nzingha Milanes James Tiffany Mary Cate Devey
Mary Valentin Liz O'Leary Rick Falco
Jen Ryan Rosemary Brown Sue D'Onofrio
Donna Trainor Maureen Murphy Kira Feder
Alison Hublard Hershman Donna Carames Sarah Waldinger
Kevin Santos Theresa McDonald Emma Damiani
Phoebe Coughlin
Your Parent Coordinators,
Chris Misurelli & Lucille Ben-Ezra
We greatly appreciate the support shown
for the arts in our community through
these generous donations...
Water bottles for this event by
Bill Pearson & Nestle/Poland Spring
Discounted catering for the cast by
Michael Giannone & Bella Ella's Pizza
Many thanks to our collaborator at
BOCES, Abigail Kapps,
and her students who donated their time
and talent as hairdressers for the cast:
Erin O'Connor Zada Alston
Dominique Belcher Kiara Frazier
Deanna Dametta Sylvia Dann
Meghan McDonnel Chelsea Kelly
Linana Martins Macaiah Gross