I Hate Shakespeare - January 18 - January 19, 2025

North Greene High School

 End Notes 

Director's Note: 


This show has presented unique challenges and tribulations that myself and the students have not faced previously in the last couple of years. One difference that we faced was the time of year. Unlike previous shows that premiered in April, this show needed to be done earlier due to my own personal circumstances. The students have worked to make this adjustment from the beginning. Another obstacle that we have faced is size. While our cast may be small this time around, we are mighty. Many seniors graduated last year, which has led to some new faces that we are excited to hopefully see stay with us and continue to grow. I am proud of the students who have been around since the beginning a few years ago and the new ones who show an interest in theatre that inspires me. I Hate Shakespeare is a funny show in and of itself, but the way the actors have taken their multiple roles and really thrown themselves into them has made it even better. Many rehearsals I have spent laughing at jokes that I've heard numerous times before because that's just how creative and inventive our students are. I hope that everyone in the audience is able to appreciate this twist on these classic Shakespearean shows and see the work that our North Greeene students have been doing over the past few months. 



Please Be Aware: 


This show utilizes multiple lighting effects, such as changing color, sudden darkness, etc. 


This show also utilizes a fog machine after intermission. 


If you need to exit the show, there are doors located directly behind the audience. If you can wait for intermission in the middle of the show, that is preferable. If not, please sit in the back when you return as not to distrub anyone else watching. 


We ask that cellphones be kept away during the duration of the performance as not to distract our actors or your fellow audience members. 


There will be a 15-minute intermission at approximately the halfway mark of the show. 



Thank you! 

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