The Wizard of Oz (RSC 1987) - May 06 - May 07, 2022

North Clarion High School


Lily Bell
We are so proud of you, always be yourself, we love you!
Mom and Dad
You're a great big sister.
I'll always look up to you, reach for the stars.
Love, your brother Lewis
Brianna Griebel
We are so very proud of you! You are doing an amazing job!
We love you so very much!
Mom and Dad
Aston Bogel
We're so proud of you, Ashton!  We love you very much!
Congrats on a job well done! 
Love always, Mom and Dad
Way to go, Ashton!  So proud of your musical talents!
Love, Uncle George
I'm proud to see you in a musical, Ashton!  I know you'll do well!  You're always singing with that beautiful voice of yours!
Love, Gram
Congrats on your performance, Ashton! We knew you'll do well!
We love you lots!
Grammy and Pappy
Brianna Nicewonger
We are so proud of you and all the hard work you have done.
Have fun up there and break a leg! 
Love, Dad, Mom, Jackson, and Logan
Kaine Andrew
We are so proud and ever in awe of you.  Enjoy this experience.  We can't wait to see what door you open next.  Break a leg, cauliflower!  Uncle Bim & Aunt Christy
You were fearfully and wonderfully made.  God knew you before He made you and you are perfect in His sight...there is no one like you.  Go be you!  We are so proud of you and all that you do! 
Love you!  Mom and Dad
Everyone in the musical
I would say "Go break a leg" but I just can't since I am a running coach.  So, I'll say "Go forth and conquer", "knock their socks off", and "best of luck"!  Have fun! I am proud of you all!
Coach Roxanne

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