We would like to thank the following individuals and groups for their contribution to the success of this show. Your support is greatly appreciated.
To Samantha Brooks and the following art students, for their wonderful set painting & design work:
Jackson Baltes, Jada Bivens, Brooklynn Chandler, Zaria Cosby, Francis Curtis,
Carter David, Nicole Farnsley, Moes Forman, Amelia Frey, Shermire Lacy,
Charlotte Lawson, Caroline Mason, Lily Matthews, Aniya Meriwether, Lauren Minor,
Andrew Moore, John Pham, Aaleeya Pittman, Kelsey Rhea, Amelia Rietze, Ruby Seitz,
Chelsea Smith, Mya Spoelker, Magnolia Sudduth, and Brendan Vo.
An additional big thanks to Wes Curtis for his help with this amazing group of students.
To John Gribbins for his help and support with more than can be listed on this page.
To Vanessa Doyle for her help and guidance with all things financial.
To Jennifer Cave and the administrative team for their support of the visual and performing arts at Noe Middle School.
To all of the parent volunteers that have helped with set construction, costumes, supervision, and more. Without your involvement this show would not be a success.
To Jen Groseth and Eric Allgeier of YPAS, for their assistance with lighting and set supplies.
To Rush Trowel and Emily Trowel of Faith Work Studios for their assistance with costuming.