Discovery Charter School for welcoming us with open arms!
Pepsi Bottling Group for generously donating water and soda for our concession stand.
Tonya Melrose - thank you for your amazing creativity and tireless efforts in creating our set. It is fabulous!!!
Susan Dobbins - for always being willing to jump in and do ANYTHING we need you to, be it props, painting or shh'ing kids. We couldn't do it without you!
Pittsford Central School for always being accommodating and sharing their props
Joe Polvino for giving up his garage space while we built the set.
Tricia Bertino and the staff at LaDanse Workshop for allowing us to use the dance studio as a rehearsal and performance space. Thank you for always being flexible and working with us.
Michael Antonio and MCA Studios for our cast photos.
Bob Puff and New Life Electronics for our sound system and mics.
Patrick Revenew for finding us a GREAT storage space. Misty thanks you for allowing her to have her garage back!
To the rest of our NGT families that helped by donating time and items, thank you all.