As we close out the 2016-2017 Season, we are anxiously looking ahead to our upcoming season. However, we cannot do so without reflecting on all of the support given to New Horizon Theatre from our cast, crew, patrons, donors, and our community as a whole.
Four years ago, we began our capital campaign and recognized that our goal of $1.4 million was challenging, if not unrealistic. Our primary objective was to expand and renovate our building without going into any long-term debt. We are so grateful to be able to say that, as of last month, we are totally debt-free and the building you are sitting in is completely paid for in full.
We often get so wrapped up in our productions that we do not take the time to thank the people who got us here. So, it is with grateful hearts that we thank you for making this goal a reality and we are looking forward to the next 32 years!
Bill Nixon
Managing Artistic Director