Schoolhouse Rock Live! JR. - April 17

New Hanover Township School

 Director's Message 

The Show Must Go On


It is one of the oldest and most oft-repeated adages in theatre: “The show must go on.” But last year, as we know too well, the show did not go on: not here, not on Broadway, not anywhere. Arts organizations all over the world struggled to survive and in doing so invented creative ways to bring theatre, music, and dance to the public. We did not want to let 2021 pass without a spring musical and so we looked for a way to create theatre in a format that would permit us to rehearse and perform in small groups and safe conditions and assemble a musical that we could share with family and friends. I contacted our long-time sound engineer, Mr. Seeland and he referred me to our soon-to-be videographer, Mr. Francese. We formulated a plan to film and present this production to share with you through the magic of modern technology. Thanks to the faith and support of the board of education, we got the green light to move forward, and thus we bring you our 2021 virtual spring musical, Schoolhouse Rock Live! Jr.


Schoolhouse Rock began in 1973 as a series of short animated films that aired on the ABC television network on Saturday mornings. The shorts ran between other children’s programming and featured original songs teaching mini-lessons in grammar, math, science, and social studies in a sneaky way - by making learning fun. The original show ran for 11 years and was adapted into a live musical, Schoolhouse Rock Live! in 1993, first in Chicago and then Off-Broadway. We are thrilled to be able to present our version and to get together on the stage again.


Thanks as always to Mrs. Tina DeAngelo and Mrs. Nicole Rosen for all they do to create and gather the costumes, props, and set for our show. Thanks also to my wife, Meg for once again sharing her creative gift by choreographing the musical numbers in the show and making them so special. And thanks as always to the founders of the New Hanover Township Theatre: Mrs. Katherine McCandless, Ms. Dena Thomas, and Mrs. Barbara Toth, who lovingly passed along a tradition that we are proud to continue.


Enjoy the show. And do please take notes; there will be a short quiz following the play.


John McMenamin, Theatre Director

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