Snoopy the Musical - February 08 - February 09, 2013

Nazareth Area Ms

 Who's Who 

  • Olivia Bellito head shot

    Olivia Bellito

    as Lucy VanPelt

    Olivia is in 8th grade. She has been in various productions within NASD and in the local community including 13 the Musical, Annie, It’s a Wonderful Life and Seussical, Jr. This is her fifth NAMS production. In addition to the theater, Olivia plays clarinet in the NAMS band and tap dances. Olivia would like to thank Mr. S and the entire cast and crew.

  • Madison Cerniglia head shot

    Madison Cerniglia

    as Peppermint Patty

    Madison Cerniglia is an 8th grade student here at NAMS. This is her fourth production at the middle school, and is so grateful for the opportunity to perform in such an amazing show. She would like to thank her friends and family for their love and support, and also to the incredible cast and crew who make this performance unforgettable!

  • Isabelle Dara head shot

    Isabelle Dara

    as Charlotte Braun

    Isabelle is in the 8th grade and has been in many theatre productions including Cinderella, Wizard of Oz, 13 the Musical, Annie, Charlotte’s Web, It’s a Wonderful Life, T’was One Crazy Night Before Christmas, Nunsense, and Seussical Jr. Her favorite roles have been as the Evil Stepmother in Cinderella and Aunt Edith in Charlotte’s Web.

  • Lily Dearworth head shot

    Lily Dearworth

    as Marcie

    Lily has been in other Nazareth productions including Cinderella, 13 The Musical, Cabaret 2012, and It’s a Wonderful Life. She was in Annie as “Grace” and in Charlotte’s Web as “Charlotte”. She is thrilled to be “Marcie” in Snoopy. She would like to say thank you to her family, friends, fellow cast members and Mr. S. They have all been very supportive and kind.

  • Hailey Durner head shot

    Hailey Durner

    as Violet Grey

    Hailey is a 7th grader and is thrilled to be a part of Snoppy. She has previously been seen in Cinderella, Annie, Evita, Sleeping Beauty, Snow White and Charlotte’s Web. Hailey is also a member of the Dream Kids and her church choir. She would like to thank her family, Mrs. Aston, and Miss Chelsea for helping her achieve her dreams. Also thanks to Mr. Salevsky and the entire cast and crew.

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