Welcome to NCS Theatre’s Production of Brian the Comet! We are so excited to share this short but fantastic story with you! When I first read Brian the Comet, I knew that we had to perform this show at NCS. Its classic Greek Theatre imagery with the Chorus (ensemble), the complex relationships explored in a play under an hour, and the visuals that flooded my thoughts as I read the script made it a show I became fascinated with and marveled at.
This show has been a great piece to start our school year with. We had 25 rehearsals leading up to opening night and a lot to do in that short time. As a director and educator, my goal each year is to push and stretch our student's abilities on and off the stage and help them become better artists each year. Brian the Comet is one that we have started stretching our students' dramatics and acting skills to get them to the next level of their craft.
This production has also allowed us to bring a member of our administration into the cast. Having Mr. Bishop be a part of our show was originally something that I was a bit hesitant about. I didn’t know how the students would react, and I had never seen him act before, so who knows what we would get. Throughout the rehearsal process, he has proven that not only is he great to work with, but he also holds a high respect for all our students and the activities that they do. It has been refreshing to direct him and our newer actors and see them learn to explore and build characters for the first time. It also gives our experienced actors more opportunities to learn from their peers.
Although Brian the Comet is only a 45 minute drama it is the next step to enhancing our students and our department. We are proud of this show, and the growth that we have continued to see in our students through each of their performances. Thank you for coming to support our Performing Arts program, and we hope you enjoy Brian the Comet.