All Shook Up - December 08 - December 10, 2016

Nashoba Valley Technical High School

 Crew Who's Who 

  • Trinity Dunaway

    Stage Crew

    Trinity is a Sophomore from Pepperell and is in the Programming and Web Development program at Nashoba Valley Technical High School. Trinity thoroughly enjoys learning more about the technical advances of the world and loves programming computers. After school, Trinity is part of NVTHS's GSA.

  • Rheanna Early

    Stage Manager

    Rheanna is a senior in the TV/Media program and is the stage manager for the Viking Theatre Company's production of All Shook Up. She has also been the successful stage manager or assistant stage manager for several of the Viking Theatre Company's past productions. Rheanna participated in the 2016 New England Theater Conference and won the scholarship for Technical Theatre in Stage Management.

  • Garrett Filiatrault

    Stage Crew

    Garrett lives in Westford, and is excited to return for a second year as part of the NVTHS Viking Theatre Company stage crew. When not working on theatrical productions, Garrett enjoys playing music, specifically his bass.

  • Emily Gale

    Stage Crew

    Emily is a freshman student from Chelmsford. This is her first time participating in a theatre performance, and she is making her debut backstage as part of the stage crew for All Shook Up. Emily's interests outside of school include drawing and painting, skiing, photography, and taking walks with her loyal dog.

  • Jordan Lucas

    Follow Spot Operator

    Jordan is a junior who lives in Westford, and is in his second year with the Viking Theatre Company. He was part of the stage crew for The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe last year. He is also a valuable member of the cross country team.

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