Liz's 50th Birthday Black & White Ball: Togas to Tiaras - October 18 - October 20, 2013


 Thank You 

Thank you to all my friends & family who have made the effort to celebrate with me, to those who sent their wishes because they couldn't be here.

I'm a better person because of your friendship & love.

Here is some of what you've helped me learn in the past 50 years....


  • There is always another gear you haven't discovered...somewhere
  • Life is short, enjoy it now
  • You're stronger than you think
  • You're not as strong as you think you are
  • You're often your own harshest critic
  • It is OK to march to your own drummer & dance to your own music as long as you don't hurt anyone
  • 'Difficult people' often have their own hidden agenda, so just keep on keeping on
  • Stop looking around for approval or respect & enjoy the journey
  • The ratio of single straight men-to-gay men that you know decreases with age
  • Take lots of pictures in lots of different places & make sure you're in some of them
  • Potential doesn't mean much if you don't put in the mental and physical work that is required to fulfull it -- Frosty Hesson
  • Energy's endless. You think there isn't any more, and then there is. - George Balanchine
  • Getting fired isn't the end of the world, although  it seems like it may be
  • Everything, every experience, every book, every friendship, every lesson, everything is of use. 
  • People should shock the heck out of you - at least some of the time.
  • Pick your battles. The fight you want to fight is often not worth the time, the effort or the risk.
  • Kill your darlings - whether they're songs, phrases, paragraphs, pieces.. doesn't matter. 
  • Life is exciting. The world is exciting. If you're bored it is your own fault.
  • If you're not falling down, you're not learning -- Frosty Hesson 

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