As with all productions we of course experienced our fair share of ups and downs throughout the rehearsal process. However, you always hope you have more ups than you have downs. This turned out to be the case with the Wizard of Oz and I must say as the director, I am quite pleased with the work these students have accomplished. At this time last year, theatre at Myrtle Beach High School was JUST beginning in trying to get its feet wet and look at these students now. The pride that surges through a director's veins knowing the leaps and bounds so many of the students have made in just over the course of a year is absolutely amazing to say the least.
That being said, this is but a bittersweet moment as I know that all these kids that I have spent hundreds of hours with (eventually realizing I am with them more than my own family) will soon go back to their old lives as just students and leave the theatre behind for the summer. Not being one who cries often, I will admit to shedding a tear as I write this. We have experienced the entire range of emotions throughout the course of the production from joy as costumes roll in to the frustration when you just can't quite get that choreograohy down. Regardless, we have shared some wonderful experiences together and I will certainly miss my seniors of whom I will no longer have the opportunity to work with. To them I wish all the best as they move on to the next chapter of their lives. To my freshmen, I look forward to continuing to work with you as you take the MBHS Performing Arts to the next level.
Myrtle Beach High School has an incredible untapped well of talent and I am glad to be a part of exposing that. We hope you will join us next year!