Lizzy Hampton
as Dorothy Gale
Lizzy is a Senior at MHS. The Wizard of Oz is her 9th production. She would like to thank her friends and family for their wonderful support. Enjoy the show!
Jonah Snider
as Hunk/Scarecrow
Jonah began his high school career with playing Nachum in "Fiddler on the Roof". This was followed by Benny Southstreet in "Guys and Dolls", D'Artanagan in "The 3 Musketeers" and Alfred P Doolittle in "My Fair Lady". This year Jonah hopes to continue his success on stage as the Scarecrow. Enjoy the show.
Blake Overman
as Hickory/Tinman
Blake is a Junior and this is his 4th show and 3rd musical. He is very sure that anyone who watches this production will have a great time and fall in love with this American classic all over again. It has taken a lot of heart to make this show happen, so please enjoy the show.
Baine Dikeman
as Zeke/Cowardly Lion
Baine Dikeman is a Junior this year at MHS. He has participated in 3 shows prior to this year's, including the 3 Musketeers, My Fair Lady and Harvey. It took a lot of "courage" to perform on stage. He hopes you enjoy the show.
Jordan Boden
as Glinda, Witch of the North
Jordan Boden is a Junior at MHS. This will be her 4th show. Jordan is honored to be able to play a part in such a big show. She would like to thank all of her friends for the tremendous amount of support they have given. She would also like to thank her family for letting her be a part of the production. She thanks all of the cast and crew for making this the best show she has been in.