Hairspray - September 13 - September 14, 2014

Mueller Family Theatre Project




The cast and crew of HAIRSPRAY would like to give a shout out to those who made this show possible:




Gibault Catholic High School



Ss. Peter and Paul Catholic Grade School



The supporting parents of the cast and crew



Principal Russ Hart and Mrs. Pat Herzing 



MaryBeth Babcock



All of those who helped with the construction of the stage (especially Mr. Biske, Mr. Spurgeon, Mr. Mueller, and MaryBeth Babcock)



All who painted the scenery and flats (especially Laura Kimlinger for painting the background buildings)



 Mr. Dave Boser for providing lights



Nottelman Music for their technical support



Mr. Mark Young for the voice over



The Kraus Family



 Mr. Bryan Mueller and Mr. Clancy Newell for recording the accompaniment tracks (percussion by Mr. Clancy Newell)



All who helped carpool so actors could make it to rehearsal




And, as the director, I would like to give an extra round of applause for the cast. Thanks for sticking it out! (especially those who are also participating in "The Grapes of Wrath;" you had some long, tiring evenings.)





You're "Timeless" to Us!

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