Crazy for You - March 02 - March 10, 2018

Mountain View High School


Special thanks to the following individuals and groups for providing support and assisstance in all endeavors in arts education at Mountain View High School: 


Mountain View High School Administration:

Jane Harmon, Principal

Anne Renee Bentley, Vice Principal

Rick Logan, A.P. & Athletics/Activities

Jesse Nino, Vice Principal


Mountain View PVA Staff:

Phil Forman, Choirs, Musical Theatre, Technical Theatre

Gwynne Johnson, L.I.S.A. Coordinator (MVHS)

Tammy Johnson, Dance

Kim Knowles, Visual Art

Linda McGinn, Accompanist

Anne McManus, Visual Art

Julianne McMahon, Drama

Gabe Ruschival, Band, Guitar, Piano

Dave Theissen, Visual Art

Peter Toews, Band, Orchestra, Music Theory

Ian Yurk, Visual Art


Mountain View Music and Arts


Thank you to all parents who donated food for rehearsals and work for the lobby!


Thank you to Randi Willemsen for ticket sales to our patrons.


Thank you to Megan Valliere and Gwynne Johnson for help coordinating Day of the Arts and the formating of the playbill.


Ongoing, In-Kind, Gift Contributors:

American Cloth Bags, Berthoud Animal Hospital, The Brent Team, Brett & Stephanie Kempf Philanthropy Fund, Colorado Dairy Service, Culver’s, Doug's Day Diner, Eclectic House Market, Equine Veterinary Care, First National Bank, Freddy’s, General Air Services & Supply Company, Home Depot, JoAnn Fabrics, LC Real Estate Group, Loveland Choral Society, Loveland Design Carpet One, Lowes of Loveland, Menchie’s Frozen Yogurt, Meyer Natural Foods, Dr. Sharon Montes, Palomino Mexican Restaurant, Pirate Radio (93.5 FM & 104.7 FM), Quality Energy Installations, Susan Robertson, Rowe’s Flowers, Sephora, SportClips, Jesse Starke, Studio Vino, Sue Sutton – DJ with Pirate Radio, The Summit, Tara Tooley, Uncle Benny’s, Valley Fire Extinguisher, WalMart, Weedin Agency Insurance, The Women’s Clinic, Van’s Cleaners, 4th Street Chronicle


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