Corinne F. Gerwe
Dr. Gerwe is a published author of clinical work, plays, and novels of fiction and non-fiction. She greatly believes in the power of creative expression in early childhood and the need for programming that enables children to experience growth in this area while interacting with others in a safe and positive environment.
Board Chair: Richard Rutherford
Vice President: David Berry
Treasurer/Secretrary: Tyson Griswold P.E.
Allen McCullough, Chad Blotter, Jim Beyer, Kathy Beyer, Janet Berry,
Beth Rutherford, Sam Woodberry
Special thanks to our contributors
who made this production possible!
Our Primary Patrons of the Arts
Hope Pace and Faith Mitchell
Our Sponsor
Looking Glass Realty
Grant Award Acknowledgement

Donations and Services
Episcopal Church of Transfiguration
David & Janet Berry
Jim & Kathy Beyer
Samuel Woodbery
Richard & Beth Rutherford
A Thrifty Barn
Ashley Sandahl
Nancy Pew
John Case
Lynn Cass
Historic Saluda Committee
Arlene & Bill Klippel
Sue D. Kruse
Economy Drugs