Notes from the Executive Director, Corinne Gerwe
I am extremely proud of this thrilling musical production originated by Hans Christian Anderson. A Disney musical of this caliber involves so much more than what is visible. An extraordinary level of quality, cooperation, mutual respect, and teamwork by everyone involved is essential to its success. Our production team headed by Ashley Sandahl, which includes stage, sound, lighting, and music directors, choreographers, interns, and volunteers have created the finest production possible for our community.
The theater has drawn so many young YAK members this year it has been a delight to include every one of them in the play. The older children rehearsed like seasoned troupers and set the example for the younger ones, even a baby who portrays a tadpole. They were also influenced by the teen and adult players who demonstrate many areas of talent and discipline for them to emulate. As a result, each child grew in skill, determination, and personal development. Fostering the experiences and accomplishments of the children of our community is our primary goal and reason for the existence of this theater.
I would like to extend my gratitude and thanks to our generous supporters and our hardworking team of volunteers. Special thanks to our fabulous Board of Directors, each of whom contributes to the continued maintenance and expansion of this theater. David Berry and Jim Beyer head the construction projects, Sam Woodbery does everything to help including bookkeeping, clearing and maintaining the property, and running the concession, Richard Rutherford keeps our sound and lighting updated, Janet Berry made possible our new storage shed, and she and Kathy Beyer get their hands dirty doing the weeding and pruning on our landscape. Tyson Griswold submits our grants and is responsible for the funding we received from the Henderson Community Foundation and Dogwood Foundation, and Allen McCullough oversees our safety and security upgrades. Special thanks to our newest Board member, Hope Pace, who will be instrumental in overseeing the land and building that her dear mother, Hilda Pace, donated use of for the benefit of the children.
I will be eternally grateful for my dear friend and generous benefactor, Hilda. Together we formed an alliance that became Mountain Page Theater. Her spirit lives on in all we present, now and in the future. Her dedication to the children of YAK is a legacy that will continue through her lovely daughters, aptly named, Faith and Hope.