Trey Palmer
as Jack
Trey Palmer is back again to perform the full show of Into the Woods. He has been doing Musical Theater since his freshman year. He has played some feature roles like Linus in You're a Good Man Charlie Brown and Bishop, Faunchelevaunt, Feuilly, Convict 1, ensemble in Les Miserable. He recently was awarded All Star Cast in State One Act competition, and he is in All State Production performing in the opening and closing number at Thescon. Also, he does men's quartet and placed second in the state! Trey loves to dance in his free time at Pointe of Grace with Katie Anderson and Carolyn Poling. He wants to thank Dr. Rose for the wonderful opportunities she has given him throughout his high school career and without her, he wouldn't be performing right now. Also, he wants to thank his family, friends, and girlfriend for always supporting him and being the best group of people ever. Love you Mom, Dad, Austin, Cody, and many more!