Real. Live. Theatre. differs from something like the movies in many ways. While we want you to feel welcome and comfortable at all times, a few things will help you and those around you enjoy your experience more.
1. Turn off your cell phone (or at least silence it) and other electronic devices during the performance.
-texting is distracting to your neighbors and the students on stage.
They can see the light from your phone when you turn it on.
Don't be a distraction!
2. No photography or videography of any kind.
-This is a direct violation of our contract with Music Theatre International.
And it is distracting to those around you. Enjoy the performance yourself and not through a lens or camera on your phone.
3. Please do not leave your seat during the performance.
-Cast members enter from the audience at times, and this can be dangerous. If you MUST leave for any reason, wait until it is appropriate like during the applause for a song that just finished. The same goes for entering while the show is in performance.
4. Be respectful of those around you.
-They came to enjoy the performance as well. Do not be distracting by talking to others, opening food and drinks or candy wrappers in the middle of the performances.....
and that leads right into......
5. No food or drinks in the theatre.
-We love our new space, and we want to keep it looking new. Thank you for respecting this rule.
6. If you bring little ones to the show, please make sure they can handle themselves without being disruptive to others.
-If your child (or husband) becomes restless or upset, at the appropriate time, please excuse them and yourself from the performance until they are calm and quiet. Please do not let them sit with you on a device while the performance is going on....(see rules 1 through 5 for clarification).
7. Have fun! Enjoy the performance.