Into the Woods - January 20 - January 22, 2023

Morgan County High School

 Crew Who's Who 

  • Lenae Rose head shot

    Lenae Rose


    Lenae Rose is in her 5th year at MCHS as the drama and choir director and her 22nd year as an educator. She is excited to bring this show to Morgan County as it is one of her absolute favorites. She is so proud of her students and cannot wait for you and the many students across the state to experience our production here at the high school and at the GA Thespian Conference

  • Brandon Rose head shot

    Brandon Rose

    Technical Director

  •  Heather Bragg and Lenae Rose head shot

    Heather Bragg and Lenae Rose


  • Mary Noggle head shot

    Mary Noggle

    Stage Manager

    Mary has come back to theater after 3 years of not being apart of it and she is now the stage manager of our show Into the Woods. In middle school, she played lots of different roles in some shows such as Suessical Jr and James And The Giant Peach. She has been apart of advanced choir for 6 years including middle school and high school. Her favorite thing to do is hangout with friends and go to chick-fil-a. She wants to thank her parents for all the support they have given over the years in the art programs.

  • Caitlyn Carter and Ivy Giacchino head shot

    Caitlyn Carter and Ivy Giacchino

    Lighting Design

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