The Crucible - November 04 - November 06, 2021

Monte Vista High School

 Who's Who 

  • Luci Beaver head shot

    Luci Beaver

    as Betty Parris

    This is Luci’s first MV play. Luci likes tennis, music, acting, and dancing. She dedicates this performance to her family because of their supportiveness in everything she does. She is excited for many more shows in the future!

  • Brennan Finder head shot

    Brennan Finder

    as Reverend Samuel Parris

    This is Brennan’s fourth year in drama and his second production with MV. His notable accomplishments are lifting a mannequin twice his size and making Charlie Mosher break character on stage. During his free time he praises God and refuses to eat Quaker oats.

  • Kinley Park head shot

    Kinley Park

    as Tituba/John Willard

    “Do an Irish accent for your first show!” they said- “It will be fun!” they said… Kinley is incredibly excited for her first show, accent and all. She hopes you enjoy, and hopes that Mandy and MJ are able to make you cry — Welcome to The Crucible and thank you for your support!

  • Isabella Low head shot

    Isabella Low

    as Abigail Williams

    This is Isabella's third year in drama and her first production with MV. Acting and singing has always held a special place in her heart. She hopes she'll be able to help bring this story to life with all the actors, stage managers, people in tech, set, costume, makeup, props, and directors. Isabella dedicates this show to her family and friends who cheered her on. Enjoy!

  • Ella Hamilton head shot

    Ella Hamilton

    as Susanna Walcott

    This is Ella’s first production at MV. She loves acting, singing, and dancing. Ella is happy that she got this opportunity to be in this show. She dedicates this show to her family and friends who encourage her to follow her dreams. Enjoy the show!

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