West Side Story - March 02 - March 04, 2017

Mmamaroneck High School


Without the support, generosity, guidance, collaboration, and endless help from the following.....this show would have not been possible


Ms. Louise Edeiken - artist, musician, master, friend - thank you for coaching our cast and supporting this production in the most remarkable way. Your time and expertise is so appreciated and we love and honor you. 

Mr. Martin Charnin and Ms. Shelley Burch 

Mr. Anthony Scarrone and the Beacon Players

Margaret Groniger and The MHS English Department

The MHS PACE Department - Allison Parsley, Zachary Moore, Bill Derby - Thank you for always lending your support, costumes, props, set pieces, wisdom, etc.

Elizabeth Clain and our MHS Administration

Dr. Robert Shaps and Mamaroneck Central Administration

The Mamaroneck UFSD Board of Education

Dina Madden and The Mamaroneck UFSD Music Department

Dr. Marc Wager for your incredible playing and for introducing Louis Edeiken to us. 

Douglas Kostner - Thank you for helping us prepare in the early stages with your brilliant musicianship and accompanying for rehearsals!

Melissa Donaghy for your help and expertize with ticket sales.

AMP - Association of Music Parents

MHS Tri-M Music Honor Society

Mr. Craig Romanek for supporting the MHS Music Dept. in so many ways.

Mr. Daniel Genova and the MHS Custodial Staff

Mr. George McNally, Mr. Jeff Gibson and the MHS Buildings and Grounds Team for always answering our call!

The Gellert, O'Brien, Parsley, Gundling, Orfanos, and Hooker Families - We are so thankful for your constant love, patience, support, and understanding during rehearsals and show time. 

Laura Peterson and the MHS Transition Academy Students 

Danse Elite for inviting our cast to use their studio for rehearsal. 

Tom Jordan, Jill Karliner and the HMX Players for their support.

Tim Hooker, Jim Mullen, Matt Hilgenberg - thank you for running sectionals and prepping our musicians from the start!


All the parents and families of WEST SIDE STORY Cast, Crew and Pit Orchestra. We thank you immensely for your flexibility and support! 


OUR CHOREOGRAPHERS - It is hard to put into words how hard our students and staff have worked. Mrs. Allison Parsley, Julia Lehman, Jennie Reich-Litzky, Annabel Shein and Timothy Wilson - our choreographers - studied Robbins' choreography and dedicated their time to each piece with such care. Their leadership and expertise is why we are here.


Mrs. Amanda Gundling, our vocal director and Kevin Shen our accompanist - amazing preparation of the score, such attention to detail and great precision in diction and musicianship. We love working with you and thank you for hours and hours of rehearsal time.


Mr. Tim Hooker and our PIT of musicians, grades 9-12(and Cory), conquering the most gorgeous music that has made us all better musicians because it just demands it! Thank you all for bringing our show to life and for being so fearless!


Our incredible crew(s) - Brendan, Jill- Angelica, Veronica, stage managers - Miguel, Waldo, Dylan, Jeeyeon, Yasmine, Rachel, Rachel A., Sarah, Giezi, Effie, Jenna, Katie, Shaun, Sam, Maggie, Lauren, Reilee, Eva - we would not have a show without you. You make this process so much fun and you make everything on stage, back stage, up in balcony look fantastic and run smoothly. 


Mary Orfanos - Queen of Thoughts - Queen of Everything, really. We could not do ANYTHING in our music dept. without you. You have made our productions so organized and so enjoyable for every student involved. You treat everyone with great care and make us all feel loved. Thank you on behalf of EVERYONE who has the pleasure of working and knowing you.


Dina Madden - You make everything possible because that's who you are. Thank you for always supporting our staff and students and for bringing nothing but positivity and encouragement, especially when we can't decide whether or not to get a fence! We love you. 


And finally - Thank you to our audience and community of Mamaroneck and Larchmont. 

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