West Side Story - March 02 - March 04, 2017

Mmamaroneck High School


  • Kevin Shen head shot

    Kevin Shen


    Kevin Shen is a senior and this is his 3rd Musical. He has also played piano for “Anything Goes” and Once Upon A Mattress. Kevin plays in the MHS Jazz band, sings in Concert Choir, Swing Choir, & the Male A Cappella group & PACE. In addition, he is President of the MHS Math Team. Hobbies include bird-watching and reading Wikipedia. Kevin plans to study physics as an undergraduate in college.

  • Casey Stern head shot

    Casey Stern

    REED III: Flute

    Casey is a senior and this is her second year in pit orchestra. She has been playing since fourth grade and will continue in college. On top of the musical, she also participates in the Mamaroneck Shakespeare Players and PACE shows, because who needs sleep? Casey is grateful for the opportunities the MHS Music and Theatre Departments have afforded her, and thanks everyone who has supported her!

  • Michayla Baigel head shot

    Michayla Baigel

    REED I: Bb Clarinet

    Michayla Baigel has been playing in the MHS Musical pit orchestra for the last three years. Along with playing the clarinet and percussion instruments for West Side Story, Michayla enjoys playing tennis with the MHS varsity tennis team. In her free time, she likes to hang out with friends. Enjoy the show!

  • Jared Berger head shot

    Jared Berger


    Jared is excited to be playing trumpet for his 3rd MHS Musical. Jared is a member of the Jazz Band, Concert Band, and Symphony Orchestra and is a student conductor of the Pep Band. Jared has performed with the New York All-State Jazz Band, the Westchester All-County Jazz Band, and the Area All-State Symphony Orch. & Concert Band. Jared will attend Williams College studying Music & another major.

  • Will Fishell head shot

    Will Fishell


    Will has been studying the trumpet since 3rd grade and plays with the MHS jazz and concert bands. He was selected and performed at the NYSSMA All-State Winter Conference this year with the All-State Jazz Band and will be representing MHS at the All-Eastern Conference in April. In his spare time, Will listens to jazz, enjoys concerts and rows. He will be attending Amherst in the fall.

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