MCHS Administration
Dr. Kenny Lee, Superintendent
Mr. John Troy, Assistant Superintendent
Dr. Janel Grzetich, Director of Curriculum and Instruction
Mr. Bryan Zwemke, Principal
Mr. Matt Wikoff, Asst. Principal
Mrs. Jamie Soliman, Asst. Principal
Mr. Joe Pacetti, Director of Student Services
Mr. Robert Tyrell, Athletic Director
Mrs. Hillary Holden, Activity Director
MCHS Board of Education
Mike Brozovich, President
Patti Ruettiger, Vice President
Wendi Arlis, Secretary
Cherie Barnes
Deirdra Crye
Dustin Heap
Laura Hrechko
Our Very Generous Sponsor: Eastern Illinois Chapter, National Electrical Contractors Association (NECA) & Local Union No. 176, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW)
Ms. Anne Seidel—Tickets & Program
Mrs. Melanie Safarcyk—Program
Mr. Jason Piper, Head Custodian at Central Campus
MCHS Secretarial & Custodial Staff
Brent Edwards, Community Relations
MCHS Band for the loan of the instruments
Peter Babich for the road trip to get the antique baby buggy.
Trent Bontrager and students of MCTV
Grand Ball Costumes
Tamara and Glen Dorman for all their help during set construction
McLean Holmes and Ashley Dorman for picking up the costumes
Abigail Phillips for the set artwork
Anna Smith for designing the poster
Lesley Isdonas and Cindy Boban for costume alterations.
The entire set construction crew for their hard work for stripping and painting the stage over spring break.
An extra special thank you to all those who have helped in any way to make this show a success. We could not have done it without you! --The Directors