To our distinguished Patrons:
It has been my absolute pleasure in bringing this story to life. It is a piece of history I knew little about until this play came to my purview. The more I investigated the lives of these dial painters, the more this show called to me as a director and producer. I am in awe of the struggle of these girls and the mountain of complications they had to overcome. Not only physically and emotionally, but in navigating the limited systems of the 1920’s. This court case fundamentally changed our “statute of limitations” laws, and it changed the way we deal with hazardous materials in the workplace. To be literally eroding from the inside out and persevere in the face of a huge corporation is inspiring. I am overwhelmed by their courage and strength.
In looking through our own history, I realize over and over again just how relevant this story from the 1920’s still is. A hundred years later and we are still dealing with similar issues – Corporate greed, labor laws, the commercialization of science and more. At the end of the show a character states, “Science just wasn’t as advanced, the way it is now” and pulls out a cigarette. While each generation advances upon the last, we still repeat similar mistakes. The students and I have often pondered what our generation’s ignorance will be. Too often we think of history removed from our reality, but an e-mail before opening really brought this show home for me. To hear of a resident of Cottonwood describe his mother working as a dial painter and how he couldn’t wait to see the show as it could provide a connection to his mom and help him understand more about what happened in that factory. This case changed America and helped these girls have a voice. I like to think the Grace Fryer fought so hard so no one would have to be subjected to hazardous conditions in their work environment. Sadly, it’s a fight we are still fighting today.
Thank you for coming out to see this important story. While we try to get the word out to our community through ads, radio, newspaper, posters, and e-mails…YOU are our best form of advertisement. I truly believe everyone should see this production. Please take a moment and let people know of this story and our productions here at ATORT Theatre.
Thank you and enjoy the show!
James Ball
A.T.O.R.T. Director and Producer