The Cast: You were the perfect group of people to take on the unusual challenges of these one-act plays. It has been a joy watching you grow into these roles. Thank you for all the laughs along the way.
The Crew: We are so happy to have each of you on our team. We couldn't perform these plays on stage without each of you performing your role off-stage. Thank you for everything you've done to make our show look and run well.
Melissa Fusco: Thank you for leading our Crew, many of whom have never performed their particular task before. With you as their guide, we know they are in good hands.
Karen Bernstein: Thank you for caring about everything we do as much as we do. We truly appreciate your support.
Paul Sommer: We ask and you deliver. And this year you even delivered to the Middle School. Thanks for everything!
Dr. Nagler, Mrs. Fishman, and the Mineola BOE: We do not take your unwavering support of our program for granted. We know how fortunate we are and we thank you.
Mr. Escobar and the MHS Administration and Faculty: Nice to have you back, Mr. Escobar. And, it's nice knowing all of you have our backs!
Ms. Trojanowski and the MMS Administration and Faculty: Thank you for taking us under your roof. We truly appreciate the temporary housing and your hospitality.
Mike Beck, Tom Farrell and the Custodial Staffs of MHS and MMS: Your willingness to help support our program is always noticed and appreciated.
Parents: Thank you, as always, for raising such wonderful human beings.