Footloose - April 15 - April 23, 2022

Mills High School

 A Note From the Director 

This is an especially poignant experience for me as I say farewell to many seniors as they move on to the next phase of their educational and theatrical lives. I am so thankful to have been blessed with the talents, work ethics, and sincerity of the following performers, musicians, and crew members who leave Mills after building this program into something magical: Taylor, Madison, Ben, Erik, Fabby, Shea, Matt, Ana, Heather, Maia, Abby, Alec, Jake, Cecilia, Brandan, Soledad, Amber, Alyssa, Cedric, Brian, Arkin, and Louisa. Wow! This is one incredible group; they have worked through unprecedented times and should be so proud.



It's appropos that Footloose be about bridges--ones that connect us to the outside world and to eachother. Some of the Bomont teens cross the bridge to venture out of town and experience the temptations and joys of the outside world. They are taught by adults in the town that crossing the bridge can be dangerious--not only in a literal sense--but metaphorically, since the teens will be gowing up and choosing life in town or life in the big city. 


Our Mills Viking class of 2022 members are off to similar journeys--many to universities across the country. Our farewells are bittersweet, as we watch with pride to see these young adults become even more amazing. I too know these mixed emotions as I watch my son Danny (who played the Baliff in Legally Blonde) leave San Mateo High School to start college in San Diego at SDSU. They grow up so fast! Even so, we have to revel with joy in their growing up. Yes, life is scary, but it's worth. It. Ren's message to the town of Bomont is the same: dance out of pure joy in being alive! 


Building a show and performing--these are acts of LOVE. We hope that you have been inspired by this and other Mills productions and we encourage you to donate to our program, to tell your friends about us, and to come back for more.


--Joe Hudelson

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