Emily Conaway
as Ensemble
Emily is a sophomore and is excited to perform in her second production with the Drama Club. Emily would like to thank her family for helping her to practice her parts and for transporting her to all of the many rehearsals!
Mark Crosson
as Chef Louis
Mr. Crosson is appearing in his second musical at MCHS. You may remember him as Teen Angel in Grease. Mr. Crosson has been married to his wife Sherry for 31 years and has three children: Jesse, Dylan, and Chandra, and two daughters-in-law, Jennifer and Samantha. He thanks the advisors and the students for allowing him to participate in this year’s show.
Anna Curry
as Ariel
Anna is thrilled to be performing in the role of Ariel. Her past experience with the Drama Club includes Winifred Banks (Mary Poppins), Silly Girl #1 (Beauty & the Beast), and Ensemble (Grease). She would like to thank her friends and family for always supporting her in her musical endeavors. She would not be where she is today without their continued support!
Amaris Fultz
as Princess,Ensemble
Amaris has been a dedicated member of the Drama Club for the past two years. Last year, she performed with the Ensemble and as Von Hussler (Mary Poppins). Amaris would like to thank her friends and family for keeping her motivated through all of the ups and downs of the past year!
Alex Garner
as Prince Eric
Alex is a freshman at MCHS and this is his first year as part of the Drama Club. His past acting experience includes playing the role of Tiny Tim in 'A Christmas Carol'. Alex would like to thank all of his friends and everyone in his family for being incredibly supportive throughout this whole process.