The Little Mermaid - April 09 - April 11, 2021

Mifflin County Drama Club


To say the 2020-2021 school year was unique would be an understatement.  Along with all of the school closures, quarantines, and family related Covid-19 events, our cast was resilient and worked continuosly.  Our students pride themselves in entertaining the community with outstanding quality of their performances.  MCHS Drama Club would like to take this time to acknowledge many of the people who have supported us in our endeavors:


  • Mifflin County Administration, including Central Administration, Building Principals, Building Vice-Principals and School Board members.  Without your support, it would not be possible to perform our musical.
  • Mr. Mark Crosson for his continued interest in helping us grow our club.  Mr. Crosson is an honorary member of the MCSD Drama Club as he will be in our cast for a second year.
  • The Mifflin County High School Parent Group for their unwavering support.  These parents meet monthly to fundraise and look out for the future of our club.
  • John Pannizzo and the Downtown OIP for always being there to support our needs-especially supplying delicious meals before and between performances
  • John Xanthopoulos for working our video system.  John will be videoing our performances and editing them for the Recorded Content to be sold at the end of the month.
  • Doug Cunningham for his skills and ability to help with developing the seating charts, ticket sales, and all other technology needs
  • Nicholas Prough for uploading and advertising our play and ticket sales on the MCSD website
  • Roger Herto and Media for their unending help with video equipment and editing
  • To the faculty and staff of Mifflin County High School, Mifflin County Junior High, and Mifflin County Middle School for their patience and understanding when the Drama students needed to separate, quarantine, or get out of classes
  • MCHS Custodial Staff-you rock!  Thank you for helping us clean the stage and keep things in order
  • Andrew Curry for supplying Saturday Night Dinner for the cast and crew
  • Jonathan Yourchak, Cassidy Reed, and Bailee Zendt for retuning as graduates to help with the daily needs and stage management of this year's production
  • Rocco Pallotto and MERF radio for the, promotion, support and advertisements on behalf of the musical
  • The Lewistown Sentinel for advertising and promoting our musical
  • Rob Burns and Cody McElwain for their time assisting the fly directors
  • Elizabeth Barger for her help altering the Mersisters Costumes
  • Stephanie Barbour and Tara Little for desiging and creating the Coral costumes
  • To the Life Skills Class, teachers, and paraprofessionals for their hard work steaming and ironing costumes
  • To our MCHS office secretaries for fielding a lot of calls, delivering packages, and giving tons of moral support.
  • To all the parents of the cast and crew for raising such wonderful young men and women

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