Legally Blonde JR. - January 30 - February 01, 2025

Middlesex Middle School




The Middlesex Players would like to extend our sincere thanks to members of our MMS & Darien community for helping make Legally Blonde a wonderful show.


Dr. Alan Addley
DPS Superintendent of Schools


Mrs. Kate Dimoulas, Dr. Caitlin O'Keefe, Dr. Felicia Bellows, & Mr. Tim Monahan
MMS Administrators


Colleen Thompson
DPS Director of Music


Allison Ball & Margaret Lane
MMS Administrative Assistants


Rodney Brown and the MMS Custodial Staff


Marc D'Iorio, D'Iorio Printing Service


Tim Sorensen & the DHS Theatre 308 Students


Our Local Ad Contributors


Our wonderful MMS Parent Volunteers: There are too many to list, but please know that this production would not be possible without your time, talents and generosity.


Our Darien Community: Thank you for supporting The Arts in our schools and for attending our production!

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