Just be Riley and I know you will be great! -Cathy
Knock em' dead Scar-King of the jungle! -Dad
Riley, is there a river otter in this show? -Matt
Riley-my favorite sister-I know you will do great! -Brynne
Way to go Greta, Riley, Mia, and Arriel! From your MMS XC Team
We are so proud of our Gracie Girl! Love, Mom and Dad
Hey Grace, You ROCK the stage! Love, Faith & Summer
Best of luck Ben Rhodes-we are so very proud of you. Can't wait to see the show. Love, Mom, Dad, and Lukas
Ben, you are going to do great. You are going to be the best Simba the world has seen. So proud of you. Love, Lily and Olivia
Alexandra, We are so proud of you!
Mariah, wishing you luck on your performance. Fly little bird, Fly! Love, Mom, Dad, and Rissa
Mariah, so proud of you! Wishing, you an amazing show. Good Luck! Love, Grandmama, Auntie, Calvin, and Ali
Emma, you have grown so much right before my eyes. I am so proud of you. I love you, TJ
Emma- Break a leg, kid! Love, Daddy
Emma, I am so proud of you Sissy. Love you, Abby
Emma- Break a leg my little Diva! Love, Nana and Poppy
Emma, don't break another toe, we all know yo are clumsy. Love, Rylee
Emma, I love you so much. Good Luck. Love, Kaylee
Go get'm, Emma! Love you beautiful, Pappy Mike and Nanny Cindy
Emma- Shine my beautiful girl. There is no prettier zebra than you. Love, Mommy
Emma- Dnace and sing your heart out my princess. Love, Mommy
Emma- Hugs and kisses to our favorite zebra. Love you, Mommy and TJ
Should. Would. Could. Did. Go get'em, Abby! Love, Mom and Dad