A special THANK YOU to the many parent and community volunteers who donated countless hours, their skills and materials to make this show a success.
Lighting / Sound Design: Nancie McLaughlin
Stage Crew: Natalie Zimmerman
Parent Volunteer Coordinator: Leela Kite
Costume Volunteers: Leela Kite, Amy Anderson, Gina Stone, Sandy Gonsalves, Stephanie Parenti, Louise Zimmerman
Set Construction and Painting: Mark Parenti, Kevin Loutzenhiser, Suzanne Mallarky and Vickie Burnash
Props: Amy Anderson and Suzanne Mullarky
Playbill and Photography: Stephanie Parenti
Tickets, Ushers and Concessions: Emily Jennings, Melisa Owens, Suzanne Mullarky, Billie Zajec, Leela Kite, Sandra Gonsalves, Stephanie Parenti
Take a Seat Campaign Helpers: Emily Jennings, Patricia O'Conner