Into The Woods Jr. - November 06 - November 15, 2015

McLaughlin Theatre Company

 End Notes 

Notes from the Director


     Theatre is an art that has always brought people together.  Everything that we know about life, its importance, and who we are comes from the hands of great playwrights, authors, and thinkers.  I have been in many productions where it was my job to deliver lines, act out scenes, and make magic happen onstage, but now I can appreciate the hard work, dedication, and creativity that is required of a director and production team.  It has been such an honor to work with each and every one of these students, and it makes me feel so proud to know that they understand how important theatre is to our community.  With two full casts, I will be honest and say that I was worried about this show in the beginning.  I was worried that there wouldn't be enough rehearsal time.  What would happen if there were not enough mics for each of the actors?  In the end, though, each student exceeded my expectations inside and outside of the theatre.  One thing that I can honestly say about these students is that they are so committed to this art form and have a desire to learn.  This is the greatest thing about the McLaughlin Theatre Company: the students love to learn, and that makes my job much more rewarding.


     My goal for this production was to really challenge the students.  As the students went through their rehearsals, I made sure to have them try taking a scene, line, or action in a different direction than before.  I would ask them critical thinking questions like “Why would a person say that to someone?” or “What would motivate a person to act that way?” and “How does that reaction make you feel?” With each and every hurdle they crossed, they kept getting better and better at becoming the characters they needed to be.  I am sure that you will think the same.  For you, the audience member, it is my greatest wish that you see these actors not portraying characters onstage but  as real people living their lives that mirror all the struggles and triumphs of our world.  Their act of “going into the woods” represents each individual journey that we have to take.  We all have our wolves to slay, our relationships to mend, our princesses to chase, and even our spells to lift, and with each new chapter brings a new basket to carry, a new child to bear, and a new truth to be told.  It is through these truths that we can better understand the human condition and cherish the moments that we have in the woods. I hope that this show makes you laugh, cry, think, and most of all, I hope that this show reminds you of this: children will listen...always.




Jared Capper, Director

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