Shawna James, Silly Girl
Shawna has always been interested in musical theater, but Masterman was where she truly discovered her love for it. This is Shawna's 7th show at Masterman, with her first show being On the Town and her only missed one Oliver. Masterman musical theater has had a significant impact on Shawna's life, allowing her to join a community of singers and dancers and meeting people she might not have otherwise. She'd like to thank Mrs. Neu, Dr. Shapiro, and Allie and Kimmy for making her last show so memorable.
Giselle Jap, Tech Crew Leader
Giselle first started Tech Crew in eighth grade, working with the spotlights for Willy Wonka. Now, she helps manage sound. She would like to thank Mr. Comfort, Ms. Neu, and her crew mates for the fun times and support she’s been given. She would also like to thank the seniors before her who taught her everything she knows.
Chris Ji, Violin
Chris has been in the pit orchestra all 4 years of high school as a violinist, and unfortunately never got the chance to play the piano. He credits his pit orchestra experiences for improving his sense of rhythm from non-existent to mildly atrocious. He also encourages any current orchestra members to not ditch the musical orchestra by joining stage crew instead. Finally, he would like to thank Ms. Neu, and everyone in the orchestra minus Rishab for making the musical a fun and enjoyable experience.
Francis Jurlando, Set Designer, Stage Crew Co-Leader
Francis has been in Masterman's Stage Crew since eighth grade. His favorite projects include those balls we painted brown for Willy Wonka and his ridiculously tall wall design this year. He would like to thank Kayla, Asha, and Kai for being in his first two stage crews and making him feel like part of the team. He would also like to thank Allie for being an amazing director, Mr. Gilken for making Stage Crew happen, and all of his friends for not being mad at him for not being in the musical this year. He plans to continue his theater studies in college by majoring in Theater Production and Design.
Tino Karakousis, Harp
Tino has been in Masterman's Orchestra for four years as a harpist and keyboard player. Tino has always been interested in science and plans to one day become a physician or biomedical researcher, but he enjoys practicing the harp and the piano in his free time as a way to relax and connect with others. He wants to thank everyone involved in the orchestra and in the musical for always making the music world at Masterman very fun, and he can't wait to come back in later years and watch music at Masterman continue to grow.
Rosalie Kraines, Wardrobe
Rosalie has been interested in theater throughout her life, but she only started doing the Masterman musical as a freshman with the virtual production of Annie. On a whim, she auditioned for Pippin again in her sophomore year and ended up loving it. She's so excited to perform in her last musical and would like to thank Allie, Kimmy, Dr. Shapiro, and of course everyone in the cast, crew, and orchestra for making the musical what it is. Next year, she plans to major in English and participate in as many college productions as possible.

Shawna Giselle Chris Francis Tino Rosalie