Clue: The Musical - April 19


  Songs and Scenes 





Boddy Manor

"The Game"………………………………………………….…………….……Mr. Boddy, Suspects, & Butlers





The Kitchen

"Life Is a Bowl of Pits"……………………………………………......…Mrs. White & Butlers


The Billiard Room


The Ballroom


The Lounge

"Everyday Devices" ……………………………………………..…….….Suspects & Butlers


The Study 


The Conservatory                                                                          

"Once a Widow"…………………………………………………..…...……Mrs. Peacock & Butlers


Boddy Manor

"The Murder - The Game (Reprise)" …………….............…Suspects




Boddy Manor

"Everyday Devices (Reprise)"……………………………....…..…Suspects


"Foul Weather Friend"………………………………………....…..…..Suspects


"The Game (Reprise)"…………………………………………....……..Full Cast



The object of the game is to solve the murder. 

Who did it, with which weapon, in which room?


In the board game, a card of each is placed inside the confidential envelope:

weapon, suspect, and room.


Players move about the board taking guesses until they narrow down the answer using their clue sheet (see the back of the playbill for yours).


In the musical, Mr. Boddy gives a clue at the end of each scene.

He will name a suspect, weapon, and room, and let you know how many, if any, are correct.

Let’s see if YOU can solve the murder and win the game!
























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