Clue: The Musical - April 19


 Thank You 




Mr. Sun & Ms. D'Ambrosio

For being the best student teachers and helping with the show in so many ways!


Giselle Jap & John Ritsko

For donating their time to teach us to work the mics and lights


Mr. Koller

For helping us to paper mache


Ms. Kearney

For laminating our clue cards


Ms. Cruz, Kimmy Faughey, Mrs. Lerer, Ms. Marcus

For costume donations


Sam Hamilton, Francis Jurlando, Mr. Gilken

For stage crew building advice and allowing us to

repurpose the Beauty & the Beast Build


 Masterman Home & School Association

For funding our cast party and for all that you do!!!!!!




When I found out I wasn’t getting to teach 8th grade class this year and was given lunch enrichment instead, I was very sad. Who is going to give up their recess time to do music class? What can I do that will appeal to the most students?


Then I came up with an idea. How about a musical? But can that be done during lunch? How will it work? Is it even possible? And the answer was YES!!!!!


Watching you create this show has been inspiring and one of the greatest experiences in my 25 years of teaching. Your creativity, talent and collaboration has truly been extraordinary. Thank you all for your hard work and dedication.


I will always remember our 8th grade musical and hope that all of you keep in touch and let me know all of the amazing things that I know you will do in the future!

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