The Odd Couple (female version) - April 12 - April 13, 2014

Maryvale Preparatory School


The Cast and Crew would like to take a moment and THANK the many people who helped put on this show and who don't normally get recognized for their work.



Thanks to Mrs. Ford, Ms. Bridickas, Ms. White, Mrs. Belz and the administrative team for their continued support of the performing arts.


Thank you to the Business Office for financially helping us with this production.


Thank you to Mr. Hale, Ms. Dana, Mr. Clif, and Mr. Quinton for all that you do. You are truely amazing!


Thank you to Mrs. Harlen-Warnack, Mrs. Malone, Ms. Oliver and Mrs. Nagle for the sign and program help.


Thank you to all the faculty and staff for your support and being our biggest fans.


Thank you to our families. We know how difficult it can be to get us to every practice and we really appreciate that you sacrificed and made it happen for us.


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