Anastasia: The Musical: Youth Edition - November 30 - December 02, 2023

Martin Meylin Middle School
Martin Meylin Middle School
Lampeter-Strasburg High School Performing Arts Center




Book by

Terrence McNally

Music By

Steven Flaherty

Lyrics by

Lynn Ahrens




Millie Ambrose

Savannah Andeloro

Aubrey Baumer

Carson Beiler

Isabel Berrios

Lucy Boyd

Scarlett Brubaker

Piper Carlson

Kira Cissne

Remy Coates

Jalen Coon

Sophia Coon

Norah Ditzler

Ashlyn Donaldson

Makayla Dunlap

Abby Geidel

Rosalie Glick

Lucy Gochnauer

Adrianna Gomez Marquez

Leila Gray

Emerson Gregory

Brielle Grove

Anna Helm

Rebecca Helm

Isa Henry

Elyse Hershey

Sean Hess

Aubrey Hikes

Laurel Hodge

Virginia Horning

Makenna Hostetter

Avery Kalasinsky

Joana Lagunas

Kendra Landis

Olivia Lewis

Asha Lindskog

Mira Lindskog

Morgan MacFeat

Providence Magras

Lucia Major

Isla Marsh

Anijaliz Montez

Mackenzie Pack

Segen Perez-Valle

Cora Phipps

Clark Poole

Bethany Sanborn

Katie Sanborn

Danny Scheurich

Isaac Staley

Isla Stefanow

Vivian Talley

Jo Telesco

Rachel Visniski

Evelyn Weaver

Eileen Wieand

Leah Williams

Faith Witmer

Jocelyn Zeager


Music Director

Benjamin Gibson


Scenery Design/Set Painter

Edward Leone

Production Assistant

Ivy McComsey, '19 

Backstage Manager/Props Master

Kimberly Schoff


PAC Technical Director

Ethan Moore

Student Choreographer

Mckenna Donaldson, '24


Directed by

Memory L. D'Agostino



Inspired by the Twentieth Century Fox Motion Pictures by special arrangement with Buena Vista Theatrical


From the play by Marcelle Maurette as adapted by Guy Bolton