Escanaba in Da Moonlight - April 08 - April 16, 2016

Marshalltown Community Theatre





With each production, we owe a huge debt of gratitude to our VOLUNTEERS who staff the BOX OFFICE and serve as USHERS on performance nights and who work tirelessly behind the scenes. If you'd like to learn more about our vounteer opportunities, just let us know!






Marshall County Conservation Commission,

Bryan Miller, Mark Weaver, Julie Kruse Brewer, Dr. Rufus Kruse, Vicki Bogner,

Lowe's Flowers, Hellberg's Jewelry, Fisher Community Center Staff,

The Assistance League of Marshalltown


and to anyone we may have inadvertently omitted . . .

We are sincerely grateful for all of the support!






Through a generous bequest from the late Ann Keyser (a former, director, actor and MCT Board Member), we have been able to acquire badly needed equipment updates and avail ourselves of special production pieces to enhance the audience experience.


We are most grateful to Ann, and to her family, for her consideration and dedication to MCT and the arts. The generosity of of patrons like Ann is always appreciated!


We also recently received a donation of restored vintage telephones and telephone equipment from Ed Cox that we will be able to utilize in future productions.

We thank Ed for his generous gift.






Courtesy of the Marshalltown Lions Club, our theater has a complete infrared Hearing Enhancement Sound System for the hearing impaired. Simply check out one of the headsets from our Sound Booth and leave your driver's license as deposit. When you leave the theater, return the headset to the sound booth and your license will be returned to you.




OUR 2016-17 SEASON


The MCT board will be announcing our 2016-17 season soon.  If you have an idea for show you'd like to see, let one of our board members know.  Members include:  President - Rick Gooding, Vice Presient - Arlene McAtee, Treasurer - Nancy Harris, Secretary - Brenda Jensen, Vanessa Engel, Stacy Heil, Kevin Lageschulte, Shannon Mitchell, Becky Mounsdon, Lisa Naig, Peggy Schoer, and Ken Walton.

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