From the director:
The production of Meredith Wilson’s The Music Man JR has been an incredible blessing to me. My goal was to create a place that would welcome any child that has an interest in theater and help them explore the joy of acting with other kids alike. This first show is all about learning the process, building a team of parents and volunteers and trying out new things. We were able to build a strong team, and found great support in the community.
I personally want to thank my husband for being extra patient and supportive in every step of the way, but mostly for believing in our new theater organization. We would also like to thank all the people and businesses that partnered with us to help us put on this awesome show - it would be impossible without you!
The reason I chose The Music Man JR was because it’s a story about music coming to a small town and changing everyone in it. I love this line from the last scene of the show: “The way every kid in this town walked around here all summer, and looked and acted… And the parents, too.” I’ve seen the music change the lives of kids and adults, and those who are involved in any type of arts walk and look and act different, more confident, and I believe we need more of it right here in Marshall, TX.
More to come,
Elena Sleazina
Marshall Kids Community Theater would like to thank:
Starr Family Home for letting us use their beautiful facilities for our auditions. Visit these elegant structures that map the 150-year history of the Starr family in Texas.
Williams Quality Constructions for building the Paroo house for our set. We love how real it looks and feels!
Cindy Martinez for her generous donations, for a successful fundraiser, and for offering constant support to this production, day and night. This show would not have happened without you.
Trinity Episcopal Church for lending us their set panels - it made our set design so much cheaper and faster.
Tooter’s Instrument Repair from Hughes Springs, TX, for lending us some of their instruments.
Janie Harris Tipton for her donation of period clothing and accessories that belonged to Romelle Harris, her beloved mother. How Romelle would have loved seeing the kids using it on stage.
Cypress Junior Women’s Club for giving us a grant and believing in our organization - it means a lot!