Natalia Neumerkel, Christina Muller, Jean Guldner, Kirsten Corey, Marie Adamson, Katherine Gordon, Sistiana Chestnut
Gino Gebhart
Set Designer
Suzanne Wastvedt
Set Builders
Andy Chestnut/Lead, Danny Larsen, Billy Guldner, Patrick Adamson, Luis Muller, Suzanne Wastvedt, Laurie Collins, Mark Corey, Ray Price, Braden Tharp
Lighting Design
Michael Hoffman
Sound Technician
Brandon Rinas
Assistant Sound Technician
Jon Jeffers
Video Production
Justin Gray, Christian Mixer
Graphics Designer
Gabino Guerrero
Stage Manager
Amanda Gwaltney
Natalia Neumerkel
Scenic Background Projections
Grosh Scenic Rentals, Grosh Digital
Special Thanks
Maranatha Chapel, Jean Guldner, MCS Facilities, Peter Neumerkel, CBC Technical, Seth Hawkins, Adam Howard, Sistiana Chestnut and the many volunteer parents!
"In every job that must be done, there is an element of fun."