Notes from the Director:
Mary Poppins is such an iconic character that we all have memories of our first introduction to her! Firm but kind and practically perfect in every way! This story has so many lessons for children and adults alike; as you hear these famous words once again I encourage you to think about the truth behind them.
“A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down”
"Sometimes a person we love, through no fault of his own, can't see past the end of his own nose."
“I can’t help them if they won’t let me, and there’s no one so hard to teach as the child who knows everything.”
Our Lord wants us to speak truth with love, to give grace when not deserved and to teach our children even when they don’t listen.
George Banks struggles to keep everything in precision and order. He sings “what good are rules if you can bend them” . George has lost his way, and this leaves Winifred not knowing what to do, dealing with two very spoiled children and a husband oblivious to her needs. Mary Poppins arrives to make things right again with a spoonful of sugar and to remind us that she is practically perfect in every way! Notice, Mary Poppins says 'practically perfect' because she knows no one is perfect. Jesus was perfect and He came to save us all, much like Mary Poppins came to save the Banks family. We need to reach for our Lord in heaven when things happen beyond our control and trust in Him!
"If you reach for the heavens
You get the stars thrown in"
Tonight, I hope you see the light of Jesus shining through each of the performers as they share their gifts and talents with you.
Enjoy the performance!
Singing His Praises,
Jayne Howard