Crazy for You® - February 24 - February 26, 2023

Maplewood Middle School

 End Notes 









Decide what you want. Declare it to the world. See yourself winning.

And remember that if you are persistent as well as patient,

you can get whatever you seek.

Misty Copeland

Dear Maplewood Middle School Community,


On behalf of the Maplewood Middle School Leadership Team, I’d like to congratulate the cast, crew, directors, assistant directors, and advisors of Crazy for You!   We know the importance of the arts for our students.  We sincerely appreciate our all-star team of advisors–Ms. Bradshaw,  Mr. Kaplan, Mr. Kessler, Ms. Kleinwaks, and Mr. Palmgren–for the special experience they create for our kids.   The production itself is exceptional and we know you will enjoy the show!  Beyond that and bigger than that, we thank our advisors for helping our kids to be seen, cared for and affirmed!


Musical season is a magical time of year at MMS.  Our entire community is enriched because of the joy our students bring to it through their songs, their movement, and their many artistic gifts.   Whether our children pursue careers in the arts or whether they go on to pursue other passions, we know they will be positively impacted by the arts for many years to come.


Enjoy the show!

Dara Crocker Gronau

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