How to begin? What a journey this has been. Stage Left has been asked to produce this show for many years, but this show....oh, THIS show. Well, to be blunt. This show is intimidating! Last spring I traveled to London with several young people from this school and other schools. We saw “Phantom” in London’s West End. That performance changed everything. Those in the group were so enthralled that they and others begin a campaign to produce this show. So, I challenged them: Start preparing NOW. Start singing. Get voice coaches. Sign up for Mrs. Rea’s Chorale or Ave class. Do your research. It is going to take work. They did. And the fruits of these labors are what we have for you tonight.
Musically, this show is daunting. Technically, this show is frightening. But, my actors, musicians, and technicians have proven to be formidable, determined, creative, and up to the challenges. We have been blessed to have such support from our community, our parents, the faculty, and from our peers as we worked on this show. I have heard from so many people: “How I can help?” It truly takes a village, and we, here in Dare County, are a loving one.
I want to say one very special thank you to Becki Rea. Her generous heart and floating hands as she directs and conducts has been one of the keys to the success in this show. Her unfailing good humor when my patience was stretched has also been such a gift. Thank you, Becki. You are a gem indeed.
To our set builders Robert Sawyer, Heath Burkhart, Milton Edwards, Aaron Wright, Kit Trotter, Adam Cahoon, Herman Meija, Walker Parks, Michael Dooley, Sam Shepherd, Beau Barber, and Stephanie Hensley: The set is incredible. Thank you so very much for your hours and days of work.
To our costume Queen and her Princesses: Barbara Holton, Kathryn Stewart, Shelley Davis and April Rife: I apologize for not confessing just how many costumes were needed. Mea culpa..but you guys rocked them! To Bill Kirkpatrick for his incredible motorized gift and to the construction scientists, Beau Barber, Walker Parks, Michael Dooley, Sam Shepherd, who built it: WOW! Just WOW! Many, many thanks.
To Alan Logan with the assistance of John Endes: The chandelier. It exceeds my every expectation. It is truly the show piece of the set!
To Valerie Medlin and Johnny Walker: Your patience and vision for the dance and how to achieve it always fascinates me. Bravo and my heartfelt thanks.
To all of the parents, community members, faculty, musicians, and friends who have supported this program and this show: You are officially all theatre angels. Angels give with no expectations of return. You have all earned your wings on this one.
As much hard work as this show has been, it has definitely been rewarding especially to see how much this cast has grown. I have witnessed the commitment and the concentration and I am so very honored to have been part of this. So to them, this incredible cast, I dedicate my work. You have earned my respect and my love. I will never forget this experience with you. Break a leg and be wonderful. Connie Rose