Kyle Logan
as Gomez
is a 16-year-old junior at Manteo High School. His previous experience includes Raoul in "The Phantom of the Opera," Sebastian in "The Little Mermaid," and Zeke Baylor in "High School Musical." He would like to thank his friends for pushing him to be a better person. He dedicates this performance to his family.
Raechelle Eller
as Morticia
is a 16-year-old junior at Manteo High School. Previous Stage Left experience includes Confidante in "Phantom of the Opera." Other experiences include Candy Man in "Willy Wonka Jr" at Dockside. Raechelle would like to dedicate this performance to her family and friends for always being supportive.
Elizabeth Wheless
as Wednesday
is a 17-year-old senior at Manteo High School. This is her first Stage Left production, but she has been in musical theater for 10 years. Elizabeth would like to thank her parents for being so supportive, Cheyanne Wescott for providing encouragement, and her dance teacher and friends for always having her back. She dedicates this performance to her late grandfather, a man who loved the arts.
Kamaaron Adams
as Pugsley
is a 15-year-old sophomore at Manteo High school. Previous Stage Left experience includes Firmin in “Phantom of The Opera” and a dancer in “Leaps and Laughs.” Other acting experiences include Grandpa Joe in “Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.” He dedicates this show to the Stage Left family for always being a supportive group, from the veterans to the newcomers.