Nick Beert
as Narrator, Grandma
Nick is a junior at Mankato East. He is extremely active in his community. He is a manager of the boys cross country team, captain of the alpine ski team, is very active in his youth group, and is planning on joining the lacrosse team. He had a phenomenal time working on his parts for this show. Nick hopes that you will love the play, and will laugh for anything that is even remotely funny.
Logan Swanson
as Narrator, Enchantress, Dwarf 2
Logan is a 12th grader at East. He has performed in many shows such as "In The Heights", "Alice In Wonderland", "Jungle Book", "Hairspray", "You Can't Take It With You", and "The Christmas Carol". His favorite thing about this play is all of the geeky humor. He looks forward to hearing all of your laughter.
William Botsford
as Narrator, Devil, King
Will has been in four shows at East which makes this his fifth. He said this is the one with most ease he's had with a play so far. This has been a hysterical blast, and he hopes you enjoy it very much. Will also said that you better enjoy it, otherwise our bouncer will take care of you and his name is........ JOHN CENA!!!!!!!
Sam Gruis
as Narrator, God, Actor
Sam is a senior and this is his third performance at Mankato East. He loves being on stage and wants to thank his mother for being so awesome. Sam dedicates this show to Hammy for doing extra work and reminding him of everything all of the time.
Josh Snapp
as Actor, Narrator, Hansel, Giant
Josh Snapp has been in theatre for 5 years, starting back in 7th grade. Josh is now a senior and is "Super pumped to get out of this god forsaken place." Josh is very excited for this play because it's "John Cena worthy" and "It's kinda ok I guess", but has "too much water." Josh would like to dedicate this play to "his main man and numba one, Fidel Castro."